Friday, September 19, 2014

Hollon Elizabeth - 3 Weeks

3 Weeks Old Recap:
Things I love: I love the way her toes curl up when she is eating. I love the way her hair feels like velvet. It's like someone glued a patch of black velvet to the top of her head. I love her toothless smile. I love when she snuggles in my lap and puts her head on my shoulder. I love how tiny newborn clothes are. I love the way she looks like a burrito when she is swaddled. I love when she holds on to my finger. I love that she (sometimes) stops crying when big brother sings to her. I love when she looks up at me with those big blue eyes.
Things I could live without: Trying to figure out why she is crying.  If she is hungry, that one is pretty easy because she'll be pecking anything around her. But after that, I'm clueless. Whoever said you can read a baby's cries wasn't speaking my kids language. The smell of a breastfed baby's poop. Trying to wash between their fingers & toes and under their neck. Spit-up. 
Sleep: Within the next week, we'll probably move her to her nursery. She takes naps in her crib so hopefully she'll sleep okay in it at night. I'm no longer waking Hollon up during the night to feed her, I just let her wake up on her own. She usually sleeps 3-4 hours at a time during the night. She sleeps horribly if she is not swaddled. 
Eat: She is still eating every 3 hours during the day. I talked with her pediatrician about her spitting up at Hollon's weight check this week. It looks like I am over producing milk and it is coming out so fast, she is gulping trying to keep up. So we're trying a few different things to help with that. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Hollon loves to eat though and it showed in her weight check! Right now it is going straight to her belly, cheeks and double chin.
Play: I pulled out one of the play mats this week and she seemed to like it. Jake has also been testing out all of her toys trying to figure out which ones are her favorite. (None at this point, she is still too young! Which drives him crazy!)

Right now, she is in one of her crying fits that I have no idea why she is crying. She is fed, has a clean diaper, is cool and doesn't have a string wrapped around her toe. So I have no idea why she is screaming her head off. But I'm tied of typing this post with one hand, so I must run for now!

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