Thursday, December 4, 2014


**Warning - picture overload**

Robbie's sister Andrea (who lives in Chattanooga) hosted Thanksgiving this year. Granddad Jake & GG Kathy were coming up from Florida, Mimi & Granddad and our family were all going to be attending. Andrea's husband's family owns a cluster of cabins on the lake in Chattanooga, so we all stayed there instead of getting hotel rooms. Mimi & Granddad headed up with Jake Wednesday morning and Rob, Hollon & I headed up that afternoon. 

I fed Hollon right before I thought we were leaving. Something with work came up and delayed me leaving by an hour. Then I had to stop by Rob's work downtown & pick him up, and then we had the 2.5 hour drive to the lake house. I hoped that Hollon would just sleep the whole way and not notice she was overdue for a feeding. (Such an unrealistic plan) She did good until traffic stopped coming into Chattanooga. She woke up, was not happy we were not moving and was especially not happy I wasn't feeding her. Robbie started taking backroads through sketchy neighborhoods to get us there faster. We were 15 minutes away, so we hated to stop, so we just kept going. That infuriated Hollon. I climbed in the back to try to calm her down and it just made her madder. This was the maddest I've ever seen her get. She was screaming, clawing, kicking. I don't know which I'm terrified more of with her - her terrible two's or teenage years. We finally made it. I'm sure everyone was excited to see us considering we walk in with a screaming baby. "Who wants to stay in our cabin?"

There was an old school rocking horse in our cabin (I had one when I was little!). Hollon was still mad at us at this point (even though she had eaten), so she was not amused. 

In her pajamas. Still mad at us. She was in a bad mood the entire night. 

Hoping sleep brings a better attitude in the morning.

Granddad reading to Jake
Jackson is Jake's only cousin on Robbie's side. He is 12 and Jake thinks he hung the moon. Poor Jackson, Jake is always right under his nose.
Or flung on top of him

This was Jackson's first time to meet Hollon.

Thankful that Hollon woke up in a much better mood and was no longer mad at us.
Giving smiles to Daddy
With GG Kathy
Jackson & Jake's version of the "kids" table

Hollon giving smiles to Granddad Jake

With Aunt Andrea

Robbie was showing Andrea something on his phone and Hollon's eyes were glued to it

Our family

Miracle! All 4 of us are looking at the camera.
It was Hollon's first time to meet Uncle Johnathan

Happy Thanksgiving Turkeys! 
We took pictures for Mimi & Granddad's Christmas card

Jackson - age 12

Jake - 6 (in 3 weeks!)

Hollon - 3 months
Token goofy picture

Much better

Nice nap
Friday night, we went over to the Zach & Kimberly's house (parents to Addie & Tyler). Our friends Travis & Paulette (parents to Jonathan & Isabella) came as well. Zach, Travis & Robbie all went to high school together. 
Thanksgiving 2014
Jake (almost 6), Addie (5), Hollon (3 mths), Tyler (2), Jonathan (4), Isabella (1)
Thanksgiving 2010
The 3 oldest kids were wild turkeys

Hollon had no idea what was going on

Tyler was not amused by it at all

Tyler & Hollon both clinched to their parents
How chubby are Hollon's cheeks?!?!

Poor Zach & Kimberly's house

Addie got in some holding Hollon time
These silly 3
Their dads have been friends for over 20 years
Zach & Robbie with their girls

Addie giving Hollon some girl advice
We were headed home Saturday morning, but not before I nagged everyone for pictures before we left. (It didn't occur to me to take these on Thursday when we were all actually dressed up.)
Mimi & Granddad with our kids

Mimi & Granddad with their 3 grandchildren

The kids with Granddad Jake

The Bush Family Thanksgiving 2014
The Bush Family Thanksgiving 2009

Hollon getting some good advice from her 92 year-old great grandfather

On Sunday, we headed to Prattville to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family.

We got there early, because my mom wanted to try to get a picture of all the grandchildren for their Christmas card.
Hollon & Marrell in their matching Christmas outfits with Nana
Just trying to get a good picture of my 2 kids is almost impossible. Trying to get a picture of 6 kids (3 that are under the age of 3)? That's the equivalent of finding a unicorn. You get gems like this one...
Or this one...
Needless to say, that wasn't our day to get the perfect picture.

This is what Woody thought of all of it
Once we declared the photo shoot a disaster, the older kids decided to abandon ship and jump on the trampoline. This is Jake & Marrell in their "play clothes" from Nana's stash that they dressed themselves in. 

They call the bed of my dad's old work truck the prison

Back inside (and in clothes that matched), everyone gathered for lunch. My dad's only brother and his family came (which includes my 2 cousins & their 3 kids), as well as my mom's twin brother & his family. It was a full house!

Our family has added 3 new babies since Thanksgiving last year. I wanted to get a picture of the newest 3 babies. Guess how that went?

Hollon - 3 mths

Deacon - 6 mths
(My cousin Tiffany's first child)
Gaines - 9 mths
(My sister Lindsey's youngest son)

Me & my sweet girl

Hollon catching up with Nana & Gran

Hollon thinks Gran is too funny

Just our norm

Playing "Can Hollon's drool land in Uncle Billy's mouth"

My parents have no chairs or ottomans
Maw-Maw and her 9 great grandchildren
Back Row: Isabella (10) holding Deacon (6 mths), MawMaw, Maddox (10) holding Hollon (3 mths)
Front Row: Jackson (5), Woody (2), Gaines (9 mths), Marrell (6), Jake (5)
Interesting fact: Isabella & Maddox are in the same grade
Jackson, Marrell & Jake are all in the same grade
Gaines, Deacon & Hollon will all be in the same grade
The Hollon Family
Thanksgiving 2014
Thanksgiving 2009
What an amazing Thanksgiving it was for us. It was this time last year, that we started the fertility treatments. It was our 3rd Thanksgiving that we were trying to get pregnant. So for this Thanksgiving, it was such a blessing to actually get to spend it with our little girl in our arms. To be with our family who has loved, prayed & supported us through this journey gives us so much to be thankful for. 

Psalm 106:1     
Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

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