Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hollon Elizabeth - 3 Months

3 Months Old Recap:
Likes: She LOVES when people talk to her. If you get up in her face, and talk with a big smile on your face, she will smile like crazy back at you. She loves her changing table. Any time you put her on it, she smiles up a storm. She loves to eat. As you can tell by her cheeks & tummy, she doesn't miss a meal. She likes music, she likes to be swaddled, she likes to be held & cuddled. 
Dislikes: She gets very angry if she wakes up before it is time to eat. She does not like when the moving car stops. She does not like it if she wants social hour and mommy has to work. 
Milestones: We no longer use the infant sling in her bathtub. (I actually used it way longer than I should have. It didn't even occur to me that she was too big for it, until she almost fell out of it because it was too small for her. Mom fail #2,452,376.) Hollon also now giggles and laughs out loud. Of course I've tried a thousand times to get her laugh on video, but as soon as she sees my phone, she freezes. She will laugh the first time you tickle her under her arms, but after about 30 seconds, that annoys her.
Sleep: She usually goes down for naps about an hour after she eats during the day. During the day, sometimes she naps in the swing and other times in her crib.She goes to bed for the night after her 10:00 feeding. A few nights she has slept until 5:00 am. But the last 2 nights, she has gotten up at 2:00 to eat, so she certainly isn't sleeping through the night consistently. 
Eat: I went from milk flood to milk drought. The good news is she doesn't spit up anymore, bad news is sometimes she doesn't get enough to eat. Which makes her grouchy. She eats every 3 hours during the day and she doesn't go a minute over that. She can be in the deepest nap, and the minute it hits 3 hours, those eyes pop open. 
Appearance: Her hair is still dark, but it is starting to fall out. I noticed something black on her white crib sheet & freaked out. Then I looked closer and realized it was her hair! She has lost most of it on the sides, so she looks like she has a mohawk. And the top is long enough to stick up but not long enough to lie down. So she looks like Alfalfa with bald sides. Her eyes are still blue and still get huge when she is in a new environment. Her chin ate her neck, so she now has no neck and a double chin. She has her father's feet. They are long & skinny. Her legs are starting to get little rolls which makes my heart melt. I love love love chubby thighs on a baby. (On myself, not so much. But a baby, oh yes.)
Size: She is wearing 3-6 months clothing & a size 2 diaper.

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