Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas (December 25-26)

Santa came!

He brought Jake a trip to Disney World, Transformer Optimus Prime &
a Star Wars Space Ship

He brought Hollon a soothe & surprise light, lights & music toy
and food storage containers
Jake checking out his toys. We try not to go overboard with toys (Santa only brings 3) and try to keep Santa as just a secondary figure of Christmas. So Jake never gets screaming crazy on Christmas morning.  

Hollon was overly impressed with her food storage containers
My 2 most precious gifts

Checking out what was in his stocking

Our Christmas gifts from Jake. This is one of my favorite memories of Christmas 2014. Jake bought us all gifts at his Santa's Shop at school. He got Robbie some playing cards that have fake money on the backside (Jake thought he bought dad money). Jake got me a makeup bag & a hot pink ice scoop (he thinks it's a shovel for the beach). But the funniest was what he got Hollon. He got her a winnie the pooh nightlight and a hat with a flower on it. He was so proud of that hat and Hollon wore it with pride.

Our little 80 year old woman

Nana reading to Jake some of the books Hollon got for him

Christmas is exhausting

Hollon helping daddy put together one of Jake's transformers

My parents left after breakfast and then Chuck & Judy came over to see what the kids got and to spend the rest of the day with us.
Opening a gift from Mimi & Granddad

Hollon liked the tissue
Hollon got a Madame Alexander baby doll

She actually played with it and seemed to like it
(Up until this point, she has been pretty uninterested in toys)
Eating Giving the baby kisses

Trying to breastfeed Hugging the baby

A riveting game of Connect 4 with Mimi & Granddad

Jake got a remote control car that drives on the wall

And we ended the day sitting by the fire watching Christmas movies
The day after Christmas we had fun playing with our stuff we had received

Jake got some Auburn lounge pants and his Elf left him some slippers before he returned to the North Pole (Jake has been wanting slippers for a while now). He looked like my little old man.

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