Wednesday, August 6, 2014

On the eve of starting kindergarten

So Jake starts Kindergarten tomorrow. Last night, Rob & I went to parent's night and met the teacher. His teacher is Mrs. Rmeily. She seems very sweet and I was excited for Jake to get to meet her.

Last night, when I was taking Jake to bed, I had a long talk with him about school, fears and it's okay to be nervous. I told him he could always tell me anything. I go on & on knowing I'm giving him this great encouraging talk. I'm making sure the communication lines are open so he feels comfortable coming to me with any questions. At the end of what I feel is an award winning talk, I asked Jake if there was anything he wanted to talk to me about or ask me. He looks at me with those big blue eyes & asks "can I wear my transformers shirt?". Seriously? That is what you got out of the talk? Needless to say, he had no in depth questions or discussions.

Today, was the day you brought your child, so they could meet the teacher. Jake didn't seem nervous at all. In fact, he was pretty excited and kept asking when was it time to go. We took his supplies and I showed him where his room will be. Mrs. Rmeily has it decorated with a Dr. Seuss theme, so Jake really liked that. He found his seat and was excited there was  goody bag. He walked around the classroom checking it out and told me he was most excited that there was a globe (random, I know!). He played blocks with another little boy. He really seemed to enjoy everything. (Of course, that might have been because mom was there and we were only there for 30 minutes! We'll see how he does all day tomorrow and when I drop him off.) I really like Jake's teacher. She seems so sweet and I think she will be a good fit for Jake.

Rob is out of town on business, so Jake and I had a night before school starts date night. We went to Target and I let him spend his chore money and then he got to pick where we ate for dinner. He is becoming a young man, but he will always be my precious little boy.

So how do I feel about tomorrow? I have a mix of emotions. There is a lot of anxiety, but it is not over the fact that Jake is growing up and will be in Kindergarten. It is anxiety that this is something new. I had the same feeling the night before he started daycare and the night before he started preschool at Westwood. Big boy school is something new, something different. Different teachers, different kids, different environment, different rules. It takes me a while to get used to change and I get anxiety over it. And when you combine that with the pregnancy hormone, lets just say I've been a tad bit crazy. One minute, I'm so excited for Jake and the next I'm holding back tears. It doesn't help that Rob is out of town. He is the stable one. He is the one that calms me down. Poor Jake is just left with crazy on the first day of school.

There is a part of me that wants to just wants to wrap Jake up, keep him home with me and never let him go. But that's not my job as his mom. My job is to teach him, to love him, to protect him and give him the tools to go out there an experience all this world has to offer. And school is one of those experiences.

I've been praying for so long for when Jake would start school. I can't believe it's finally here. I pray that school is a good experience for him. That he enjoys it and he learns a lot from it. I pray that God keeps him safe. We live in such a scary world, I just want Jake to come home safe to me every day. I pray that he loves his teacher and that she is a good fit for him. I pray for his classmates, as he will be around these kids a lot. I pray that Jake is kind to his classmates. That if there is ever one that is feeling down, left out, or alone that Jake would be a friend to them. And if it is Jake that is in that position, I pray that a friend would do the same for him. I pray for the administrators at the school and the decisions that they make. I pray for those kids, that don't have a parent or someone praying specifically for them. I pray that Jake has a wonderful day tomorrow.

I've got his bag packed, our carpool tag ready and clothes laid out. I'm a huge nerd and already practice drove the route to school (for carpool I have to go a different way, so that I can turn right into school because turning left takes forever). He is excited & ready for it and therefore, I am too. Hopefully drop off goes smoothly and I can't wait to pick him up to hear how his day went.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

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