Thursday, August 14, 2014

Baby Update

Last week, we had our 36 week appointment and had an ultrasound. I was super excited because we haven't had an ultrasound since 20 weeks. With Jake, because of complications, we had so many ultrasounds, I got to see really good pictures of his face & profile. So I was excited to see this baby's. Of course all I was able to see was a great shot of the back of her head. The ultrasound tech got great shots of everything she needed to see (something they were never able to do with Jake), but we got no good pictures of her face. So we'll just have to see in 12 days what she looks like!

They have scheduled our c-section. As long as the baby & my body cooperates, her birthday will be August 26, 2014. On Tuesday, the 26th, we'll check into the hospital at 10:00 and surgery is scheduled for 12:30. I was really excited about the times. We'll be able to take Jake to school and hopefully by the time school is out, we'll be in our room and he can come visit & meet his new baby sister.

I'm still having the weekly NST. They are showing contractions, but they are not consistent or painful. The baby's movement, reaction & heartbeat are good. Hopefully we keep this up another 12 days!

I realized that I never formally said what the baby's name was! I hate secrets & surprises, so I'm not the type of person to keep my child's name a secret until they are born. We've just gotten so used to calling her baby sister, I sometimes forget she actually has a name! Her name is:
Hollon Elizabeth Bush
We were deciding between Hollon (family name) & Charlotte (non-family name, just a name we liked). (And if you like Charlotte better, then please don't tell me now!) Hollon had the biggest pro & biggest con. The biggest pro was, it is a family name. It is my maiden name. Out of us Hollon's, there were 4 granddaughters & 1 grandson. Of course the grandson had 2 girls, so I liked that this baby would be carrying on the Hollon name. Even if it wasn't as a last name. The biggest con was, I didn't want a name that would be misspelled or mispronounced. And growing up, my last name was both misspelled and mispronounced all the time. (Most people spelled it "Holland") Plus, it was my last name for 28 years, so it was weird to think of it as my daughter's first name. But in the end, the pro won out, and we now have a name for our daughter. Her middle name, Elizabeth, we knew all along. It is a family name on both sides. It is my middle name (not that she is being named after me) and my aunt's middle name. Basically every generation of my family has someone with the name Elizabeth somewhere in their name. (As does probably every family!) We are primarily naming her Elizabeth after Robbie's grandmother. I love to hear Robbie's stories of spending summers with his grandmother so it makes me happy to think that Hollon will have a piece of Rob's grandmother's name in her name.

Nursery is almost done! We've got to hang curtains and finish painting the last piece of furniture. Once it is painted, good & dry, we can move it into the nursery. Then I can start putting things in their place and we can start hanging things on the wall. Only other thing left is to wash all her precious little baby clothes.

I love a good coincidence, and Hollon has 2.
1) On my dad's side of the family, for several generations, it had been all boys. Until I was born. I was the first girl in several generations. After I was born, it was all girls born. My cousins April & Tiffany, my sister Lindsey. Then we started having kids, and still, it was all girls. Maddox, Isabella, and Marrell. Then I got pregnant and for the first time in 30 years, it was a boy. Jake. After Jake, it has been all boys. Jackson, Woody, Gaines and Deacon. Then I got pregnant and once again, the gender switch flipped. It's the first girl since I was pregnant with Jake. What would really be interesting is if it continued to be all girls until one of my kids had a boy!

2) This is Robbie's parents 3rd grandchild. It is Robbie's grandfather's 6th great-grandchild. It is my parent's 6th grandchild. It is my grandmother's 9th great-grandchild. Hollon's birth order on both sides is a multiple of 3.

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