She is going to kill me when she gets older. These pants make her hips look huge. |
2 Months Old Recap:
Likes: She still has all the same likes as her 1 month old recap. She also likes music. I'm too cheap to buy a sound machine for her, but I do have an old CD player that we used with Jake and an instrumental lullaby CD. If she is antsy before going to sleep, I'll play that and it seems to calm her down. She likes her favorite pacifier. It is a basic simple white infant nuk that we got from the hospital with Jake. Thankfully we got 2 of them, because they are her favorite and the only ones she'll attempt to keep in her mouth. (And yes I know it is probably not recommended to use pacifiers that are almost 6 years old and have spent 5 of those years packed away in a closet.)
Dislikes: All still the same from 1 month recap. Thankfully no real new things to add.
Milestones: She took her first extended trips. She spent 3 nights in a hotel in Chattanooga with me for work, 1 night at home in her crib and then 3 nights in a hotel in New Orleans for a wedding. To be off her schedule for 7 days and only sleep 1 of those nights in her actual crib (which she loves), I was really proud of her. She wasn't perfect, but I didn't expect her to be. The hardest part for her seemed to be not being able to get her milk directly from me at each feeding. Both while in Chattanooga & New Orleans, I had to do a lot of pumping and someone else giving her the bottle. She drinks fine from a bottle (she'll take a drink from anywhere), but she seemed to miss that one-on-one contact with my, um, chest. Even if she had just eaten, if I'd walk in, she would about dive into my shirt. She didn't want to eat, she just wanted to lie across my chest. It was like she wanted to make sure they were still there.
Sleeping: She is sleeping good and we are almost down to a routine during the day. She takes 1 long nap and then several cat naps during the day. At night, she is sleeping about 4 hours between feedings, so I have to get up once a night to feed her.
Eating: She is still eating good and still spitting up. The spitting up seems to have gotten a little less. But we are both still having to change our clothes at least once a day. She eats every 3 hours during the day, and goes 4 hours between feedings at night.
Schedule: Here is a tentative schedule of what our day looks like:
5:00-6:30 - She wakes up and we lay her in our bed while we get Jake up and we get ready
6:30 - First feeding of the day
7:00-9:30 - She and I will play a little bit and she'll hang out in her swing either upstairs or downstairs while I straighten up downstairs or start working upstairs. She'll cat nap in the swing. She is fine with this as long as she is tired or sleeping. If she is good & awake though, she wants to be held.
9:30 - Second feeding of the day
11:00 - I put her down for her long nap of the day. I swaddle her and make her take this nap in her crib.
1:30 - Third feeding of the day
2:30 - We leave to go pick Jake up from school. She'll nap some in the car. (And I praise the Lord when she does, because that means she is not screaming when we stop at red lights.)
3:30 - We get back from carpool
4:30 - Fourth feeding of the day
5:30 - Leave to take Jake to football practice
7:30 - Fifth feeding of the day
8:00 - Give her a bath, put her on her pajamas, turn down the lights, swaddle her and make things as low key as possible. She'll hang out in her swing or spend some time with Robbie. She'll usually sleep good until her last feeding of the day.
10:30 - Last feeding of the day. After that, we'll put her in her crib.
2:30 - Middle of the night feeding