Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Christmas Parties

Because I'll need to look back next year to remember what I gave teachers this year....

Auxiliary teacher or administration gifts. I had a harder time finding cute dish towels this year to monogram.

Hollon's teacher just had her first grandchild, so we made her a little grandmother's diaper bag and filled it with baby items to keep at her house.

Bag for Jake's teacher

The morning of Hollon's Tu-Th class party. She had a humongous meltdown because I had the audacity to put a bow in her hair.  

Snack time at the party

Hollon & her bestie 1 Christopher

In the Tu-Th class, there are 2 sets of twins. The teacher jokes that she feels like there are actually 3 sets because Hollon & Christopher act like a set of twins.

Decorating the cake for Jesus's birthday party

On Friday, she had her M-W-F class party

Decorating an ornament 

And this is bestie 2, Jack

I was not able to go to Jake's class party, but one of my friends is room mom, so she took pictures for me

On then, I had our girl's dinner with some girls from our neighborhood

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