Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Leading Up to Christmas

I love Christmas being on a Friday. You have a week of Christmas break to prepare for it, you have the whole weekend to celebrate, and then you have a week of Christmas break to clean up. Since both kids were out of school, we spent time running last minute errands.

Hollon in her sweet little outfit Aunt Lindsey got her.

Sitting in her favorite chair playing with her favorite thing (my iPhone)

If you get any random calls or crazy text messages from me, you know who they are from.

Jake is really getting into the gaming console. He wanted an Xbox for Christmas, but we are just not ready for that yet. So he still has to use Robbie's old Wii. (Which they don't make new games for anymore, but you can find old ones super cheap online!) We usually don't have time to play it during the week, and we are hardly here on the weekends. So he has had fun this break getting to play it.

It has been so hot! A lot of our Christmas pajamas were fleece, so she hasn't gotten to wear them!

Each night, Robbie & Jake watched a Star Wars movie leading up to going to see the new one in theaters. Every night, Jake would fall asleep before the movie was over.

Now to get ready for Christmas Eve & Christmas!!

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