Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hollon Elizabeth - 15 Months

On December 1st, Hollon had her 15 month checkup. But when you consistently run 2 weeks behind, of course I'm just now getting around to posting the details.

15 Months Old Recap:
Likes: Chairs, iPhones, removing items from a purse, stroller walks, any type of pretend play (cooking, cleaning, taking care of baby), pens (thankfully hasn't realized how to take a top off one yet), shoes, music, sitting in your lap if you are sitting in the floor, touch-and-feel books and lift the flap books, pulling her hair bow out, her bellybutton, anything in brother's room and giving kisses (which is actually licks)
Dislikes: Being told no, taking an iPhone away from her, brother shutting the door to his room in her face, initially meeting a dog
Milestones: She walks everywhere now and is pretty sturdy. She sings (you can't understand any of the words). She likes to dance. She can feed herself. She is great with finger foods. If it is something she needs to eat with a spoon, most of it ends up on her shirt. She talks a lot and you can understand about 15% of it.
Sleep: Sleep started out so rough for us, but has improved over the year. She goes to bed around 8:00. She goes down pretty easily. 5 out of 7 nights she will wake up around midnight or 2:00 and cry for a minute and then go back to sleep. She wakes up around 6:00. She still holds her ear when she is tired. When she is lying in bed, she likes to rub her arm. She sleeps with a pacifier (or 5), her bunny pillow, 2 luvees and a stuffed bunny. She is most attached to the stuffed bunny. On the days she has mother's day out, she just takes one nap in the afternoon when she gets home. The other days, she usually will take at least a 1 hour nap in the morning and then a long afternoon nap. 
Eat: She is a great healthy eater, but it is just because she doesn't yet realize what all else is out there. Jake was the same. Then he discovered happy meals, capri suns & Doritos. She usually has yogurt, cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. She has finger foods for lunch and then whatever we are having for dinner. She loves a squeeze packet for a snack. She has done much better with milk. She doesn't gulp it down like Jake did, but she is getting in her 16 ounces. Her snack drink is water and I'll ride that train as far as it will go. 
Appearance: Her hair is past her ears now. Still light brown/dark blonde and straight as a board. She has a mouth full of teeth.
Size: 12-18 month clothing. Size 4 or 5 in shoes and size 4 in diapers.
Talking: She talks a lot. She says all of the normal first words. Ma-ma, da-da, brother, nana, mimi, night night, bye bye. hello, thank you, bless you, love you, no. Of course none of them are that clear. She has lots of other phrases she says that probably no one else knows what she is saying. But we are around her enough, that we know what she is referring to. My favorite is when she says "what's that?" and holds out her hands (it comes out as "wha dat"). 
Little things I love: When you take off her shoes or socks, she wiggles her big & 2nd toes together. Instead of kissing you, she licks you. When you ask her where her nose is, she picks it (gross I know, but funny). She loves to sit in your lap if you are sitting on the floor. Her crazy hair when she has rolled all over her bed. When she will fall asleep in my arms.     
Weight: 22 lbs (75th percentile)
Height: 31 in (60th percentile)

Jake's 15 Month Update (2010) ~ here
Jake weighed 10 pounds more than Hollon at 15 months!

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