Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Morning

Santa has lucked out the last few years and not really had anything to put together the night before. Welcome to life with a little girl though. That kitchen has quite a few pieces!

Jake's big gift was an Anki Overdrive (a fancy electronic controlled racetrack). Hollon's big gift was a kitchen. 

Hollon was more impressed with the leftover cookies that Santa did not eat. She could have cared less about any toys Santa brought. She wanted the cookies.

Seriously, ignoring all toys

Once the cookies were gone, she would finally pay attention to what Santa actually brought.

But of course was quickly more interested in whatever brother was doing.

Hollon LOVES shoes. She insists on wearing shoes at all times. So we got her some princess house slippers.

One of my favorite things is seeing what gifts Jake picked out for us from his school's Santa shop. This year, Robbie got a guitar ornament. We asked him what made him pick that out for dad and he said he didn't know. Which means he just grabbed the first thing he saw without putting any thought into it. Robbie has never played or mentioned a guitar. I got a whistle on a keychain. I'd love to say it is the thought that counts, but I'm not sure how much thought he put into these gifts. He did let me know though, that he put a lot of thought into the gift that he bought for himself. If that is not the Christmas spirit, I don't know what is. Hollon actually really does love her gifts he picked out for her. He got her a green (his favorite color) ball and a giraffe hand puppet. 

Yea for Christmas morning!

Jake gets to control the racecars with his new iPad

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