Mimi & Jake
Monday, March 30, 2009
Over the Weekend
We were in Birmingham over the weekend. We had a great time visiting with Mimi & Granddad and seeing good friends. The weekend just went by way too fast!
Hugging Daddy
Sitting next to Granddad
Dinner Saturday night with his new girlfriend Anna James.
Holding hands
Sweet Anna James (7 months)
Playing the piano at Mimi & Granddad's
My old house
I convinced Robbie to drive by my old house. Not much had changed since the 2 years since I sold it. I can't believe that this time 2 years ago, I was preparing to sell my house to the new buyers and getting ready to leave Birmingham, which had been my home for the last 5 years. I was scared but excited about moving to Chattanooga. Little did I know that in the next 2 years I would get engaged, get married, get pregnant & have a baby. It just goes to show, you never know what God has in store for you, just right around the corner.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Jake!
Today is Jake's 3-month birthday. Our little tiny baby is now a big boy! He is smiling a lot now and realizing that his arms can move. He usually ends up hitting himself in the face with his fist, but it doesn't seem to bother him. He is sill a very good sleeper. He usually goes to bed around 9:00 or 10:00 and sleeps until around 6:00. He likes to sleep during the day as well and especially loves being outside. His teachers try to take the children outside once a day. Jake's class has a large round padded mattress with sides that they take outside for them. The teachers hung up photos from the day. In every picture Jake is in the background, spread eagle passed out. They say he sleeps through it all every day outside. At least he is behaving:) Daycare is going good. It is hard to leave him and I wish that Robbie dropped him off & I picked him up. But, unfortunately it is the other way around. His teachers are so wonderful and sweet though, so that makes it a little easier when I leave. And I can't wait to come home to him in the evenings! Lately, I've had to come to he realization of something that I've tried to prevent since Jake was born. Jake has gotten the dreaded bald spot on the back of his head. I don't know how it happened. I've tried to be so careful, but the hair still disappeared. Thankfully, his hair is so blond that it blends in with his scalp, so the bald spot is not as obvious. But I know that it is there. I'm looking for the spray on hair for babies. So that is our 3-month update. We have a busy spring coming up, but I'm so excited for the upcoming events & the beautiful weather. And I'm especially excited that we have our sweet little man here to share in my favorite season & all the events! He makes it all so much more fun & memorable.
Ready for school on Friday!
Ready for school
Monday, March 23, 2009
I know that I'm late posting these, but we had a photographer come out to photograph Jake for his 1-month photos. The photographer was Brittany Murphy & she was amazing! Below is a link to the photographer's web page & our sneak peak pictures:
Here is the link to the full set of pictures:
Here is the link to the full set of pictures:
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day! (a day late)
I was going to post this last night, but after dinner, Robbie went upstairs to do some work & I was holding Jake on the sofa. Next thing I realize, it's 1:00 in the morning. Both Jake & I had fallen asleep. I can't believe he slept through his feeding. Needless to say, no blogging was done last night! Here he is in his green for St. Patrick's Day! Jake also wanted to give a Happy Birthday shout-out to his friend Gabe in Gulf Shores. Gabe turned 1 on Tuesday. Happy Birthday Gabe!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
First Day of School
Today was Jake's first day of school. We both did good this morning :) He got a good report card from school. He ate, slept & pooped. I guess that means he got all A's! He will have to save learning to read for tomorrow. He spent a little too much time on sleeping today.
His school bag is packed.
First morning to wake up for school. Only 22 more years to go.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Over the Weekend
It was a rainy weekend here in Chattanooga, so we stayed in most of the time. My mom was still up Friday night, so we all went to dinner. Then on Saturday night we met friends for dinner. Both Jake & Connor (who is 3 weeks older than Jake) did great during dinner! Their parents certainly appreciate it! I had a lot to do Sunday night, so I got the bright idea that I would put Jake to bed after his 7:00 feeding (he usually goes to bed after his 10:00 feeding). Jake is pretty good about going to bed. After feeding him at 10, I put him in his crib awake, and he will drift off to sleep. The past week, he even slept through the night 2 nights, so we have been very proud of him! Tonight, I got selfish though, and decided to put him to bed at 7:00. Mistake! He was good for about 5 minutes and then starting screaming his head off. We couldn't get him to stop. He screamed for 2 hours solid. It was like he was so mad at us! We finally gave up & feed him early at 9:00. It took forever for him to fall asleep. Maybe he was just nervous about starting school tomorrow? I know I am. I met with his teachers on Friday (my 1st parent/teacher conference!). Work is extremely crazy, busy & stressful right now, so it keeps me occupied, but also more emotional. Robbie is going with me to drop him off tomorrow morning (mainly to help me carry all his stuff in!). Thankfully I've had the last 4 weeks to get used to being away from him during the day, but I know it will be harder to leave him with teachers verses family. It is hard not to feel guilty, but after a lot of prayer, I know that this is the best decision for all of us at this moment. I miss him so much during the day, but know that he is in wonderful hands!
Dinner Saturday night - the boys all sat at one end of the table!
His meltdown Sunday night. We tried everything, even rocking him on the ottoman. He was just so upset with us!
Okay, for the past few days, Jake keeps acting like he is going to turn over. I know that it is cheating, because he was on a pillow & it was downhill, but we are still claiming he rolled over & we caught it on video. Robbie almost missed it, but caught it just in time!
After Nana giving him a bath
Zach (whose baby comes this summer), Jake, Robbie, Connor & his dad Andy
I have to put at least 1 picture of Jake sleeping!
Okay, for the past few days, Jake keeps acting like he is going to turn over. I know that it is cheating, because he was on a pillow & it was downhill, but we are still claiming he rolled over & we caught it on video. Robbie almost missed it, but caught it just in time!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Over the Weekend
Jake doesn't start daycare until next week (long story!) but I really needed to go into the office the last few weeks. I cannot thank Robbie's sweet sister Andrea & her husband Johnathan enough for helping us out. Between the 2 of them, they have watched Jake almost everyday over the last 3 weeks. They have been awesome. My mom has also come up several times to help keep Jake. The remaining days, either Robbie has stayed home with Jake or I worked from home. Friday was my last day to stay home with Jake.
Being a good boy sleeping while I was on a conference call
Jake hangs out in the Baby Bjorn so I can use both hands to work I know he looks scared in this picture, but Jake really loves baths. It's so funny, he tries to eat the water. I'll try to get some better pictures or video!
Saturday night we helped host a wedding shower for our friends Travis & Paulette. We had such a great time and are so happy for them!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
2 Month Checkup
Jake had his 2 month check up today. He weighs 13 lbs. & was 23 inches long. He is a happy healthy baby boy!
Over the Weekend of First's
What a busy but great weekend! We took Jake on his first road trip and he did great! On Friday, we left Chattanooga for Auburn. Friday night we went to Gary's 30th Birthday Party. We were excited for our Auburn friends to meet Jake! Friday night, Jake survived his first tornado warning! He slept through the sirens. On Saturday, we drove over to Prattville to see my family. Everyone came over Saturday night to meet Jake and we all had a great time. On Sunday, Jake got to experience his first snow. Again, he slept through most of it! Sunday afternoon we headed back to Chattanooga. Jake did so good riding in the car. He slept most of the way, but the times he did wake up, he just looked out the window.
Ready to go on his 1st road trip
The car all packed up. Of course, we didn't use half of it.
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