Monday, March 20, 2017

Week in Review - 2 Weeks Late

Rob was out of town the first part of 2 weeks ago. Jake had a baseball scrimmage that Monday night, so the kids & I hit up CFA before the game.

On Tuesday, it was rainy

Hollon has discovered a love of stickers

We find them everywhere, stuck on everything

Ready for Wednesday

That afternoon, our neighbors came over to play and they were wearing their swimsuits. As soon as we got inside, Hollon insisted she put one on.

Taking a bow for Thursday

After brother leaves, she loves to go get his camera

Jake had another scrimmage that evening. He is playing 3rd base this year.

The best way to keep H occupied.... food

Friday, she didn't have school, so we went over to the Bush's for the day so they could watch her while I worked. It was such a beautiful day, when we got home, we played outside.

I surprised the kids with donuts for a Friday afternoon treat

Hollon took this one bite. She refused to eat anymore of it, but wanted to hold it, We went for a walk, so Jake could play with some of the kids at the end of the street. I was outside talking with the mom. I look down and Hollon is a complete sticky mess. She loved holding the donut, just not eating it.

So Jake ate his and then all of hers once she gave it up

Out back playing that evening while we grilled out

Sunday, after church and her nap, she decided to watch Cinderella in Jake's room (her favorite place to watch TV)

This is her face when the stepsisters are being mean to Cinderella

And her face when the mice make Cinderella's dress

And when the fairy-godmother gives her the blue gown 

Later, out back playing with daddy
Note: she insisted on wearing minnie mouse slippers.... outside.

I finally convinced her to please put on some tennis shoes

An unfortunate fall in mud and we quickly put on play clothes to practice our running

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