Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 1

I actually wrote the entry yesterday, but didn't post it because we couldn't cross out #1 from our to-do list. Now we can:)

Here was my to-do list for June:
1) Name the baby
2) Complete the following in the nursery:
Remove guest bedroom bed
Remove extra electronics
Paint the room
Purchase changing table
Purchase rocking chair
Purchase fabric for canopy & curtains
3) Remember to take my iron pills & drink a ton of water (I've done good on the water part, not so great on the remembering to take my iron pills part. Why is it so hard for me to remember to take them?!?!

July nursery to-do list:
  • Purchase bedding for crib (bumper, crib sheet & crib skirt)
  • Create canopy & hope Robbie doesn't kill me
  • Purchase/refinish piece of furniture to go on wall with rocker
  • Paint rocking chair & have cushion made
  • Decide what to hang on walls
  • Hang curtains
  • We are 62 days away from our due date!! I am 31 weeks this week.
  • I had a doctor's appointment this morning. Everything looks good. Baby is measuring correctly and her heartbeat is strong (140-150's). I go back in 2 weeks which will start my weekly appointments & non-stress tests. 
  • The baby is hanging out on my right side. Left side of my belly? Complete mush. Right side of my belly? Hard as a rock. All movement is just felt on the right side of my belly. So the doctor thinks she is balled up in a corner of the right side of my belly. He said she was probably just comfortable & hanging out there. 
  • She moves daily, but her movements are not as noticeable or as big as Jake's were. Most times, I have to be sitting or laying down to feel her move. 
  • She gets the hiccups around the same time every night.
When we lived in Chattanooga & were pregnant with Jake, our hospital offered several free tours & classes. I thought I would look into those here at the hospital we will deliver in. I wanted to see if they had a sibling class that Jake could attend so he would have a better understanding of what all would happen at the hospital and with a new baby. Evidently, our little hospital loves to charge for everything, including classes & tours. There was no way I was going to pay to walk around a hospital, so I got the bright idea for Jake & I just to do our own tour. I've been at the hospital in Atlanta for Gaines & Woody's births. That hospital is huge and you can just walk around all you want. I've roamed up & down the halls, looked at babies in the nursery, etc... No one ever asked me who I was there to see or made me sign in. The hospital we will deliver in, is way way way way way way, way way way smaller. And evidently they notice everything. To even go on the maternity floor, you had to sign in. I explained to the person manning the desk why we were there and he said that was fine (and he happily went on eating his McDonald's). So up Jake & I go to the second floor which is maternity. My plan was to do a loop around the floor and look at the babies in the nursery. Let's just say we were nearly escorted out. We stepped off the elevator and were immediately approached by someone asking who we were there to see. Whenever I said no one, you would have thought I had walked in with a big bag that said "place stolen baby in here". They freaked out, even after I explained what we were doing. And then more people approached us. Finally a sweet nurse intervened and said she would quickly show us around. I was so embarrassed, I felt horrible for her! I know she has a job to do & being the tour guide to someone too cheap to pay for the tour was not it. Really I just wanted to be nosy & check out what the maternity floor looked like, but I blamed it on Jake wanting to see where his baby sister would be born. Of course Jake didn't help my story, because he was completely uninterested in any baby talk from the nurse & only wanted to talk about the frisbee he was holding. So we got our quick little tour and then hurriedly scurried out of there. I'm sure my picture is now on the "people that might possibly steal a baby from here" board. Along with a picture of my sidekick & his frisbee.  

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