Once we were all back under the same roof from being out of town, we got the crib put together & moved some of the furniture in the nursery around to open it up.

Jake had a baseball game Monday night. My mom brought Jake up and stayed for the game, which made Jake super excited. On Tuesday, he had a playdate with a Westwood Mother's Day Out friend, Tanner. Tanner has an older brother & twin younger sisters. Jake that it was awesome having so many siblings because there was always someone to play with. I dropped Jake off at Tanner's and then went to do our 2nd proof of residency for Kindergarten. When I got back to Tanner's all of the kids were in costumes playing on playset in the backyard. It was the cutest thing to see them all dressed up in super hero costumes. Needless to say, Jake had a great time & cried when we had to leave. Jake & Tanner have gone to Westwood together the last 3 years. We are zoned for different elementary schools, so we are going to miss Tanner so much once school starts.
On Wednesday, Jake's camp had a field trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. Jake has never been, but has seen commercials for it. He was so excited. He had a great time & we've promised that we'll take him again before baby sister comes.
Also on Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment. We started our weekly NST. Basically they just hook my belly up to some monitors for 20 minutes and it records the baby's heartbeat & movements. So far, so good! I was 33 weeks at that appointment, and so far, everything looks good for her to make it to 39 weeks.
On Saturday, dad brought home donuts for breakfast. They were enjoyed very much.

This was the first weekend in several weekends, that we were home, so I knew it would be a good weekend to knock out some projects. My lucky project partner this weekend was my mother-in-law Judy. Here's the thing about me & projects. I'm basically a nightmare to work with. I never have a plan, instructions, template or pattern. I basically just find a picture I like on a website or in a catalog, print/rip it out and then show it to someone to help me make it. I am also not a fan of measuring, taking my time or it being perfectly straight. I like to eyeball things, guess & cut corners to save time & money. So basically, I'm a nightmare to work with. Judy is a masterful sewer (seamstress?). She smocks, she sews clothes, she sews things for the home. She is multi-talented and a sewing perfectionist. Basically, we are complete opposites when it comes to sewing. So I knew I needed her help and I'm so appreciative of her taking the entire weekend to sew for me (and for her putting up with my insisting that it was okay if things are crooked). Of course she was right, it needs to be straight and so far, everything looks more perfect than I could imagine.