Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Jake

Today Jake turns 5. This time, 5 years ago, I had no idea that later that evening, at 11:30 on Christmas Eve night, that our little boy would come into the world almost 4 weeks early. I had no idea what was in store for us. No idea of the huge amount of love I would feel, worry I would go through, fears I would face or hugs that would touch my heart. There are so many things that I hope for, for Jake....
I hope that he always stays such a heavy sleeper. One, because it just makes things easier, but mainly because it means every night after he is asleep, before I go to bed, I can go in his room and kiss him good-night one last time. It started when he was a baby and I had to go back to work so soon. Especially when I had to go back to work in the office and felt like I was seeing Jake so little. I would basically get an hour to play with him before he had to go to bed. So after he would be sound asleep, before I would go to bed, I would go and pick him up from his crib and rock him. Thankfully because he was such a heavy sleeper, he never woke up. I would rock him, sometimes for just a few minutes, sometimes for an hour. Even though he was asleep, it was a special bonding time for me. And I needed it. Still to this day, every night before I go to bed, I go into Jake's room. I kiss his plump little cheeks, I play with his hair, I tell him how much I love him and I hug him before I go to bed. And thankfully, he never wakes up.
I hope that he has as wonderful of friends as his father & I have. Friends make such a huge impact on your life, starting with preschool, all the way through college & afterwards. Great friends can make anything better, and I hope Jake has as great of friends as his parents were lucky enough to have.
I hope that Robbie & I can be the kind of parents to Jake, that our parents were to us. Parents who love each not only through the fun easy times, but the hard times as well. Parents who fight for their marriage. Parents who love each other and love the Lord. Parents who lead by example, not by demand. Parents who love unconditionally (even through the teenage years). Parents who raise their children in church and show them a relationship with the Lord.
I hope that Jake is protected from anything that doesn't bring him closer to God. I would love for Jake to feel no pain, no worry, no heartache. But I also know that those things are some of the very things that bring us closer to God. I know that Jake will face these in life. And as much as I would love to take them all away, so he never has to feel that hurt, I hope that those times strengthen his relationship with God.
I hope Jake has a close relationship with God. I hope that he remembers that God gives the best advice and the Bible is the best guidebook. I hope he talks to God, prays to God and always loves God. Even when life is not easy.
I hope Jake knows how special he is. I hope he uses his talents for good. I hope he will be a good friend to all, especially to the kids who need a friend the most. I hope he is always kind hearted and considerate. I hope he is strong enough to not cave to peer pressure but to always stand up for what is right. Even if it means standing alone. 
I hope he knows how much I love him. How his smile can brighten my day. How his words can make me laugh. How his hugs can melt my heart. I hope he knows that I would do anything for him.
I hope he knows that I thank God every day for the most wonderful gift I've ever been given, on this day 5 years ago.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Jake!! Love you to pieces XOXO