I was trying to get a picture of Jake in his shirt we brought him back from Savannah. He was having a moment & was not happy that I was taking the picture of him instead of letting him hold the camera. So this is what I got. Go figure, his shirt says "Sometimes crabby, but always cute." That certainly describes Jake!

Another morning on a happier note (before the morning hair wet down)

At our weekly dinner at Lupi's with his girlfriend Addie
Jake's new favorite song is "If You Are Happy & You Know It". He really won't clap or stomp on his own, but he will point to his cheeks during the part "...then your face will surely show it." It is SO HARD to get video of him though. The 2 videos below are not the greatest, but the best I could get of him. Please ignore my singing!
He usually comes out of his shell more while in the bathtub, so I thought maybe he would do better on camera then. He was unfortunately side-tracked with his male parts though, so the video had to end!
Okay, I know that it is a FARRRRRRRRRRRRR stretch, but he almost sounds like he is counting. He will usually point to his toes & "count". Too funny.
Anytime Robbie says "oh no", but puts his hands to his face like Home Alone. I almost missed it, but caught the tail end!
Jake is very into copying anything mom or dad does. That also includes helping us. He especially loves to help me unload the dishwasher. Anytime he hands you anything he says "budda budda budda". We have no idea what that is or what he is trying to say. He just says it anytime he hands anything to you. We finally got him to say night night tonight. It came out "ni ni". So sweet! We are definitely still dealing with the mood swings. They come out of no where. He'll be happily playing & you can barely move something & he will throw a fit. It usually happens in the evenings when he is getting tired. We are trying the ignore technique! He is such a sweet boy though & loves to give mama hugs & kisses.