The loot...
We finally had a low key weekend. Robbie was at the SEC Championship game, so Friday & Saturday it was just me & Jake. Saturday afternoon we went to Connor's birthday party, but I didn't even have a chance to take any pictures. So all we have is randomness from the week & weekend.
Funny Story: Santa Clause came to Jake's school to take pictures with the kids. I had Jake in his cute little Christmas shirt, even though I figured there was no way he was coming anywhere close to Santa. The teacher was telling me that afternoon that none of the kids in Jake's class (made up of 8 2-year-old's) got their picture made with Santa. They walked into the room & every kid started crying. Then Santa said "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas" and all of the kids lost it. They were all screaming & climbing on the teachers. The teachers said that they couldn't get the kids out of there quick enough. It was like being in line for Santa & instead of 1 kid screaming scared of him, you had 8. I wish I could have seen that poor Santa's face. His teacher said that it took them forever to get the kids to take a nap. They kept saying "Don't let Santa come".
Oh how I love my little chipmunk cheeks
We are now keeping Jake's toys in the leather ottoman bench. He thinks its his new playhouse.
Kind of saying his ABC's. (Or I assume that is what he is saying.) He usually breaks out new material in the bath tub. I was really trying to get him to count, and he started saying what I assume are his ABC's. And of course he had to throw in his favorite word "no" as well, as my annoying voice tries to coax him into saying what I want (which never works).
Finally counting. 2 is still his favorite number. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 9 are useless. I was also trying to cram everything into one video. I was trying to get him to say some of my favorite words. TV "tb", moon "boon" (which of course he says it correctly on the video, not my plan!) & fruit "puit". It's always an adventure trying to figure out what he is saying!
HELP: So Jake has started this new thing that I don't know if I should be annoyed by or worried by. He hoards food in his mouth. It started a few weeks ago and he would just sporadically do it. Now, he does it at every meal. Either the first bite or last bite. He is not doing it at school as far as his teachers have noticed. It is driving us crazy though. He just sits there with food in his mouth. He will not swallow it & he will not spit it out. After a few minutes, he starts drooling everywhere making a mess. He tries to communicate with you without opening his mouth. He usually just ends up making a huge mess all over his shirt & the floor. He has kept food in there for up to an hour. I don't know if he is doing it for attention. He usually tries to hide it from you. He'll just go along playing, hoarding the food in his mouth. You really don't notice until you realize he is not jabbering and there is slobber everywhere. Or he starts choking & you have to fish it out (while I gag the whole time. If he doesn't watch it, I'm going to end up throwing up on him).