Friday, April 15, 2016

What we've been up to since our horrific, tragic, criminal attack.....

What, my title was a little too dramatic for a car break-in? Rob & I were watching TV the other night, and a news report came on about a horrible criminal act. I told him that I sympathized with the victim, as, I too was a victim of a horrible crime. 

Robbie just rolled his eyes.

I'm just kidding (about the fact that I was the victim of a horrible attack, not that Rob rolled his eyes). There is nothing we can do to change anything that happened, so if you can't laugh about it, you just sit there and get mad. And that changes nothing. So you have to laugh and move on. And be just a tad dramatic. 

In related car break-in news, we got a call from the detective on our case. 

Our case has already been moved to the cold-case files.


 Turns out, if there are no witnesses and no leads in car break-ins, they move to the cold case files pretty quickly. (I feel like Rayna James from Nashville trying to get answers on Vita's disappearance. These detectives just want to write the case off because there are too many that are too similar. Ha! Again, just kidding.)

The good news is, Rob's truck is all fixed and he got it back Friday. Not so good news is our personal property deductible is higher than the amount of goods stolen, so we are just out of pocket for our camera, suitcase and everything in it. (Unfortunately, sentimental value does not contribute. And a conair spiral curling iron that is no longer made, just doesn't hold its value.) Let me tell you, it is hard (& expensive) replacing all of your makeup at one time. Especially the nice stuff. 

But we will survive. My weekly victim support groups are helping greatly.

Well, onto the reason that the grandparents even check this blog. Pictures of the kiddos...

Hollon LOVES to color. You have to make sure pens are kept far from her reach. Well, she found one and went to town. On her herself.
Funny thing is. After she did it, she kept pointing to it, saying "boo-boo". I kept trying to tell her it wasn't a boo-boo, she wrote on herself.

 And on her clothes.

One morning before school, she found a strainer and played and played with it. 

Her favorite place to watch Curious George in the mornings.

Robbie's sister Andrea & nephew Jackson were in town over the weekend, so we all hung out Saturday. Hollon liked Aunt Andrea's coloring pages and colored pencils.

Sorry for such a short picture post grandparents. My iPhone takes horrible pictures. The Bush's have loaned us their camera until we replace ours, so I'll be back next week with more pictures!

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