Monday, March 12, 2012

Over the Weekend

We are loving this warm weather (minus the tornadoes!). This time of the year, we are at home a lot. So it's been nice to enjoy the house, be outside & have no plans!

We are without a sofa right now, so I used our living room as a craft room one night (which seemed like a great idea until I had to spend an hour scrapping tiny paint splatters off our hardwoods). Jake freaks out wanting to help paint anytime he sees a paintbrush. So I got down a painting kit which was a birthday gift that I had hidden out of sight from him. I don't know what he was more excited about, the paint or the fact that he was painting a Toy Story picture. (Don't think I'm THAT mean of a mom. I do let him paint, but it's usually with Crayola magic paint which looks clear until you put it on the magic paper.)
Very excited. I have no idea why I laid down paper for his painting, but not for mine. Where do I think he gets paint splattering from?

Jake outside the movie theater under the Lorax poster, which was the first movie he saw! (Granddad forgot to take a picture the night they took him to see the movie, so they went back a few days later to take his picture with the poster for his memory book. How sweet is that!)

On Saturday, Robbie kept Jake entertained outside while I cleaned inside. He rode his bike, played basketball, played with his batman cave.

I love when he tries to ride fast & leans forward
 He was pretty quite for a while, and this is where we found him. Typical guy. In other potty training news, we have recently completed one more piece of the puzzle! Jake will now potty on an adult size potty. Now the only thing left to accomplish is standing up to pee. I did not realize that potty training was not just getting your kid to pee in a pot. It also means getting them to poop in the pot, not pee in their sleep, use the restroom on a normal size toilet AND (if you have a boy) stand & pee. It has taken us months & we have setbacks at times. We've tried to accomplish the steps one at a time, without pushing Jake. I've tried to remind myself that there is no potty trophy for mom's at the end of this race, so to not fall into the "I did it in 1 day" trap.
Playing with his Vtech tablet
Robbie went for a bike ride at Oak Mountain with some co-workers Saturday afternoon. My friend Julie's husband was out of town that night, and since I knew Robbie would be late getting home from his ride, Jake & I headed over to Julie's for dinner. Julie's little boy Jude is 11 months younger than Jake. They have so much fun playing together! I love to watch it. The way Jude looks up to Jake is the same way Jake looks up to my friend Amanda's little boy Beck, who is about a year older than Jake.  
Enjoying some ice cream & brownie after dinner

A little watching of Bob the Builder while the mom's finish up!

Sweet friends hugging as we left
 Sunday afternoon we worked in Jake's room. Jake is obsessed with tools, so of course he had to help which makes everything take twice as long.
He loved the tape measure

Having a hard time sharing it with Dad

Pouting when it's Dad's turn to use it

Excited once he has it back!

It's always fun standing on a ladder trying to work while having a toy dancing on the same step as you.
 Sunday night, we cooked dinner & ate outside.
Playing football with Daddy

His football stance

Grilling with Dad

He likes to ride his bike crazy

Which usually ends with this. (Which on a side note, when do kids start wearing helmets? Do they have to wear one if they are just riding a tricycle? I thought that they started wearing them once they started riding a bike [not a tricycle], but seeing how many times Jake wrecks, maybe I should go ahead & get him one? Also note - many of his falls are very dramatic [like the one above]. He does not go fast enough & is not high enough to have a bad wreck. He just likes falling off acting like he had one.)
 Good night!
(Trying to convince mom & dad to let him sleep in their room)

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