Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Jake's First Bike

We finally caved and bought Jake a "big boy" bike because we found one at Toys R Us on clearance. Bikes are a lot more expensive than what I imagined. Of course, in true kid fashion, as we were walking out, we stop by the train aisle. He tells us he no longer wants the bike, but wants a train instead. Seriously? We leave the store with the bike & with him crying saying he wants the train (like we don't already have 30+ trains & he got 2 of his favorites just last week). But, thankfully, we did the parent thing & bought the thing we thought he would enjoy the most. I'm pretty sure he thanked us (even though we didn't hear it) once we got home, because he has had a ball riding his bike! He has since said he is glad we got the bike (but he still also asks for the train we had to leave behind). What are you going to do?

On to the bike riding...
Pre-helmet hair

He usually rides with his mouth open

He did good. He feel a few times (either taking a turn too fast or getting his wheel off the sidewalk), but each time, he got back on.

There are 2 little boys (ages probably between 7 &10) who live down the street. They are building several new houses on our street & with all of the rain, it has created some pretty big mud puddles. These boys were barefoot, just wearing shorts riding their bikes through the mud (with no shoes, no shirts & no helmets!). In true parent dork fashion, I'm out there with our big camera and video camera, running around taking pictures/video of Jake's first ride. Robbie is riding right beside him just to make sure everything was fine, and of course Jake was wearing a helmet! Jake better be glad I wasn't making him wear arm & knee pads! Safety (& memories) first!

He has ridden his bike every day since. He loves it!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

We ended up in the ER this past year when Nicholas fell off his bike without a helmet. Happened riding down the street in our neighborhood and he wasn't going fast. So now I am with you, better safe than sorry. I never want to go through that again.