Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trying to stay on track

While I was gone on a trip, Robbie & Jake had a little one-on-one bonding time.It included building a fort in the bonus room. Who doesn't have a childhood memory of building a fort out of blankets? One of my favorite memories.

Jake in his fort (evidently forts now come with flat screen tv's)
 Santa brought Jake some bubble bath for Christmas. Jake LOVES the bubbles.

Jake's hair has gotten wayyyyy to long. If I had waited a little longer, I think he could have donated to Locks of Love.

...After (I actually wanted it shorter, but he was loosing it & I was ready to throw in the chips)
 Over the weekend, the Bush's watched Jake Saturday night so Robbie & I could have date night. While he was at the Bush's, they took him to his first movie. They went to see The Lorax. They said Jake did good. He was a little scared at the beginning, but once it got started, he enjoyed it. And they kept him still with popcorn & a drink. I'm so glad he enjoyed it!

On Monday, Jake & I went to the park at the end of our street. Jake started running out of the garage once I started opening it. He got a little too excited & didn't wait for the door to raise enough. He ran straight into it. He was running at full force, so he hit it pretty hard and it knocked him down. I felt so bad for him. He was crying some pretty big alligator tears. I comforted him & checked him out. I asked him if he still wanted to go to the park & he said yes. So he dried his tears, got on his bike & we headed to the park. I thought it was going to leave a black eye, but it instead left a little scab.
I was trying to take a picture of his haircut and every time he would smile, he would wink. The only time this happens though is when he would 'smile' for the camera.

I love our park. It is never crowded and I feel like it is perfect for Jake's age. There are 2 things on the playground that make me nervous & Jake normally avoids them. (They have a toddler version of each, so that keeps him content.) One of them is a climbing station of pegs to a slide platform. Usually Jake gets halfway up & then just climbs down. (Which is fine with me. You can reduce my mommy points, but I want Jake to be scared of some things! It helps keep me sane.) But this time, he didn't stop halfway up. I got up to stand under him, just in case he fell, but I wasn't going to risk helping him (because then he would have wanted to do it 100 more times [again, reduce more points]). To my surprise, he kept trying. He started say "I think I can, I think I can". He kept saying it until he got to the top & climbed over to the platform. I was impressed & proud. (And I just hope that he doesn't try it again for a while.)

The BEST news of the week though is the arrival of....
Elizabeth Behrens Evans
Born March 7, 2012

Elizabeth & big brother Grant

How cute is this picture?!?!

My best friend Stephanie had a baby girl! Stephanie & I were both pregnant with Grant & Jake at the same time (our due dates were 2 days apart). So I've missed being pregant with Steph again, but I'm sooooooo excited to spoil this little girl rotten! I am so happy for Stephanie & Jonathan and big brother Grant. Elizabeth is a perfect additional to their family. This is such a precious family & I just can't wait to meet Elizabeth in person & hold this sweet baby.

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